В море (168) На берегу (2) В нефтегазовой области (1)
Joining date Rank Vessel type Engine type Description Manager
12-07-2024 Junior Electr.Eng. Container (More 2000TEU)
We are urgently looking for a Junior ETO to join container vessel (1992 y.b., flag - Panama, DWT 31000, 2021 TEU, Sulzer (Group:Wartsila) 6RTA76, 2 Stroke,16260 kW/ 22107 hp) in Europe asap (upon receipt of Schengen visa). The proposed conditions: 6+/-1 months contract, wage 1691 USD (-9 usd union fee). Fully Russian crew. Requirements: ETO or Electro-technical rating COC. +7 931 231 2161 Yulia (Whatsapp) IQrew Management St. Petersburg
Yulia Metliuk
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12-07-2024 3rd Mate Container (More 2000TEU)
MAN-BW (2str)
We are urgently looking for a 3rd Officer to join container vessel (1993 y.b., 3007 TEU, flag Panama, 46850 DWT) ASAP in St. Petersburg. The proposed conditions: 6 months contract (+-1), monthly wages - USD3125 (-9 USD union fee). Fully Russian crew. Trading area - mostly North Europe. Good spoken English is required (for interview purpose). IQrew Management St. Petersburg
Yulia Metliuk
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13-07-2024 AB/bob-cat driver Crane Barge
Открыта вакансия OS/DRIVER на плавкран ЗП: 2100$, выплата в рублях по курсу ЦБ Контракт: 3+-2месяца Посадка: 13.07.24 Регион работы: Гвинея, Западная Африка. Требования: - Обязательно наличие водительского удостоверения категории С или сертификата DRIVER - Опыт работы на фронтальном погрузчике - Вакцинация от желтой лихорадки Евгения +7 921 848 72 76 IQrew Management St. Petersburg
evgenia slavova
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15-07-2024 Master Container (More 2000TEU)
MAN-BW (2str)
Looking Masters for Container fleet of MSC Contracts 4 months Salary depends on experiecne in rank Re-joining and Loyalty bonuses +79219613328 IQrew Management St. Petersburg
Petr Suvorov
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15-07-2024 3rd Eng Container (More 5000 TEU)
MAN-BW (2str)
We look for a 3rd Engineer able to join a Container vessel (2006 year built; flag Liberia ; GT 54214 / DWT 68126; 5000 TEUs, ME MAN-B&W (Group: MAN-B&W), Engine Builder: Doosan Engine Co Ltd - South Korea 1 x 9K90MC-C, 2 Stroke, 41130 kW / 55920 hp) at the mid of July. International crew on board. Conditions: 4 months contract; the proposed monthly salary 3800 – 4375 USD (depends on rank experience; 25 months – USD4300). Requirements: - rank experience and experience with MAN 2 str. - knowledge of English If interested, please apply with your latest CV
IQrew Management St. Petersburg
Galina Fedorova
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15-07-2024 Ch Eng Bulker
We look for a Chief Engineer able to join a Bulker vessel (2017 year built; flag Luxembourg; GRT 34049/ DWT 60501; Mitsubishi, Engine Builder: Japan Engine Corp - Akashi 1 x 6UEC50LSH-EcoC2, 2 Stroke, 7260 kW/ 9871 hp) in the middle of July. International crew, no Electrical officer on board. This vacancy is applicable for Ukraine nationals only. Conditions of employment: 4 months contract; the proposed monthly wages USD9000 -10100( depends on experience; 73 months – USD10100) . Requirements: - 12 months rank experience, Bulker vsl experience. If interested, and can meet the above requirements, please apply with your latest CV
IQrew Management St. Petersburg
Yulia Metliuk
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15-07-2024 Ch Eng Bulker
We look for a Chief Engineer able to join a Bulker vessel (2018 year built; flag Liberia; GRT 49640/ DWT 89365; MAN-B&W, Engine Builder: Mitsui Engineering & Shipbuilding C Ltd - Japan 1 x6S60ME-C8, 2 Stroke, 9210 kW/ 12522 hp) in the middle of June. International crew, no Electrical officer on board. This vacancy is applicable for Ukraine nationals only. Conditions of employment: 4 months contract; the proposed monthly wages USD9000 -10100( depends on experience; 73 months – USD10100) . Requirements: - 12 months rank experience, Bulker vsl experience. If interested, and can meet the above requirements, please apply with your latest CV
IQrew Management St. Petersburg
Yulia Metliuk
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15-07-2024 3rd Eng LNG
Looking 3E for LNG vessel Contract 3+-1 months Salary negotiable Steam engine documents +79219613328 Petr/ Whatsapp IQrew Management St. Petersburg
Petr Suvorov
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15-07-2024 El Eng Oil Tanker
Salary 5500-7000 USD depends on experience +400 USD rejoining bonus for each previous month with company 4+-1 months Max age 55 Crew: RUS/IND/PAK/GEO
IQrew Management St. Petersburg
Petr Suvorov
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16-07-2024 Master Container (More 2000TEU)
MAN-BW (2str)
Looking Master for Container vessel Advance Polar Training Certificate required by Company Salary 9500-11000 USD (depends on Rank experience) + Rejoining bonuses Contract 4+-1 months Crew: RUS/IND/PAK Process of approval - CES test + Interview with Company
IQrew Management St. Petersburg
Petr Suvorov
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